b_together Family Club Membership Terms & Conditions and Code of Conduct
These Terms & Conditions set out the Membership terms of use of our b_together Family Club between Members and b_together, and governs the Code of Conduct of Members when accessing the b_together Family Club premises and services provided.
About b_together Family Club The family club at b_together is a private space for club members and their guests to enjoy. Access to the private areas & facilities is strictly for member families and their guests only. In Singapore, our b_together Club is currently located at 16a Dempsey Road, Singapore 247695 and is operated by b_together (Singapore) Pte Ltd (UEN 202200528C), a company registered in Singapore with our registered office at 6B Orange Grove Road, Singapore 258332.b_together Family Club(s) outside of Singapore are operated by Intergenic Ltd (a company registered in the United Kingdom) or its designated licensees as applicable. Terms of Membership for b_together family clubs outside Singapore are governed by the terms & conditions set out by the respective operators of the subject clubs.
Membership Terms and conditions The parties to any agreement made shall be (1) b_together Singapore Pte Ltd, trading as b_together (the operator / us) and (2) you, whose details are set out in your application form (member /You/ Your). By completing, signing and submitting your application form for Membership, you confirm that you have read and understood our terms and conditions (which also includes our privacy policy), set out in this agreement, and agree to be bound by them.
Our contract
This, along with any other documents referred to in these terms and conditions form the terms of the agreement between the operator and you (the member). It is the responsibility of the member to read the terms with care prior to signing up to become a member.
All Memberships are conditional upon agreeing to the terms and conditions, however, Membership is granted on a discretionary basis. b_together shall have sole discretion over who is and is not accepted as a member of b_together. Membership is not accepted until approval has been given by the Club Manager.
Membership Application process
Prospective members are required to complete an application form when enquiring to become a member. Those eligible for Membership are the parents (or guardians) of their children, which may include grandparents, immediate family members of parents, household helpers, and any other adult specifically authorised as guardians by the parents of children.
All details provided in the application (including names, address and email) must be correct at the time of the application and it is the responsibility of the member to ensure these details are up to date at all times. If details change, members must provide the club with updated contact information at the earliest opportunity.
b_together will use the personal details and information submitted to contact members only as per the purpose set out when collecting the personal details and information when collecting the data from members unless otherwise informed to the members prior to usage for a different purpose.
Prospective members agree when making an application that they are committing for a 12 month period and commit to paying all fees during this period.
The decision of b_together whether or not to approve any Membership application shall be final and shall not be opened to question by any Member. b_together shall not be required to give any reason for any such decision.
The Membership Term
The Membership Agreement shall begin on the Commencement Date and shall continue for a period of thirteen full months (13) months (the “Initial Term”). Following the Initial Term, the Membership Agreement shall automatically renew on a recurring basis for a further period of 13 months (the “Renewal Term(s)”) until terminated.
Where a single ‘Annual Payment’ was made for the Membership, b_together will contact the Member prior to the expiry of the 13-month period to ask if the Member wishes to renew the Membership for another 13 months. Further single ‘Annual Payments’ must be made prior to each annual renewal of the Membership. All ‘Annual Payments’ are subject to change in accordance with paragraph 6.4 below.
b_together may give written notice to any particular member, on or before the end of the Initial Term or the relevant Renewal Term, to terminate this Agreement at the end of the Initial Term or the relevant Renewal Term, as the case may be.
Where an Annual Payment is made, a member may terminate this Agreement by providing no less than 30 days advance written notice to the Club Manager with such notice to be effective from the final day of the following full month or a Renewal Term. No refunds will be granted in such cases.
If Membership is paid by Instalments, members can cancel their Membership by providing written notice with not less than 3 months’ notice any time after the end of the first 9 months of their Membership (thereby completing the minimum membership term of 12 months), or with not less than 3 months’ notice during the relevant Renewal Term.
This Agreement will end on the End Date and the Member will have no right to continue using any private areas of the club after that date.
At the End of the Membership Term the Member’s access to the member app will be terminated or converted to a “b_friend” tier with restricted access to the services or Club premises.
Fees & payments
The Member must pay the Fee to b_together either as a single, Annual Payment, or pay the Annual payment in 3 monthly instalments through a payment method prescribed by b_together in the Initial Term. In the Renewal Term, the Member may opt to switch from Annual Payment to 12 monthly Instalments by direct debit or recurring charge through a payment method prescribed by b_together, in advance on the first day of each calendar month. All fees must be paid without deduction or set off, regardless of usage Club usage.
b_together may send all invoices to the Member electronically. Invoices shall become payable within seven days of issue (or on the first day of each calendar month as it relates to monthly instalment payments for membership fees) and for the avoidance of doubt the first invoice issued under this Agreement shall in any event be payable before the Commencement Date.
In the event that Additional Services are provided by b_together, the Member shall pay the applicable Additional Fees and applicable taxes. Additional Fees shall be invoiced and paid in full in advance of the provision of any Additional Services.
b_together reserves the right to increase the Fee from the start of each Renewal Term and shall provide members with 60 days of notice of any increase. Under no circumstances will the fee for any one month be less than the fee for the immediately preceding month.
b_together reserves the right to amend the Fee from time to time. b_together will use best endeavours to notify members of any changes no less than 60 days in advance of any changes taking place. In no circumstances will the fee for any one month be less than the fee for the immediately preceding month. Unless otherwise specified the changes will take place on the 1st of the following month. Upon notification of any changes the member has 14 days to submit a written request to terminate their Membership.
Membership will begin on the effective date agreed with members on their 1st month of the members’ intake, with payment being taken on the same calendar day of the subsequent month going forward.
Registration fees & Membership Fees are non-refundable. b_together reserves the right in its absolute discretion to refuse any application for Membership as per 4.5 above.
b_together may terminate this Agreement immediately if: (a) the Member does not pay the Fee within seven days following the due date (whether formally demanded or not); or (b) the Member (including here any person at the Club with the Member’s express or implied permission) is in breach of any of his or her obligations under this Agreement. In either case, the Member acknowledges and agrees that access to Club and other Activities may be denied. In addition, if a member cancels their direct debit or recurring payment arrangement or it becomes inactive, b_together is under no obligation to continue to provide Membership services or benefits to that member, and the member acknowledges and agrees that access to Club and other Activities may be denied.
If b_together has genuine concerns that any act or omission of the Member has or might reasonably have the effect of damaging the reputation of b_together and/or its group companies, affiliates, directors and owners, b_together may terminate this Agreement by serving one month’s written notice to the Member.
If this Agreement is terminated under any of the provisions of this clause 7, such termination is without prejudice to the rights and remedies of either party in respect of any prior breach of any obligations under this Agreement, including the obligation to pay for any Additional Services.
For the avoidance of doubt, b_together in its sole discretion, has the right to terminate the Membership of any member, at any time, for any reason, or for no reason.
Use of our club
Membership grants access for all named members to all b_together Clubs in Singapore and internationally, subject to prior agreement by the local club team. Reciprocal club access, including any terms & conditions of access, may change as b_together grows and members will be updated accordingly from time to time.
Access to the Clubs is only permitted during operational hours of each respective club, and these times may vary from time to time. Access to Club areas such as The Tree House, The Botanical Bar, Outdoor Play Zone, and The Lawn may be restricted during event buy-outs.
Family club Membership allows access for up to 6 named members of your family.
Guest Access
Annual Club Membership allows for an unlimited number of guests per year, with a maximum of 4 guest pass allocations on weekends (Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays) per Membership, subject to available space at the Club premises. Travellers Club Membership allows for a maximum of 2 guest pass allocations per month, per membership, subject to available space at the Club premises.
The Club has the right to further limit this number or refuse entry to any individual at any time. Guests are not permitted to be in the Club at any time without being accompanied by a member.
A Member shall at all times be responsible for the conduct of their Guests in the Club and must ensure both they and their guests leave the premises quietly without disturbance to close neighbours and settle all sums due prior to departure.
When accessing the Club, all Members must:
Present their Membership card via the b_together mobile app.
Conduct themselves in a manner suitable for a family environment and act accordingly in line with our code of conduct. This covers the use of offensive and or abusive language.
Comply with all policies in place.
Comply with any management instructions at all times and ensure every team member is treated with courtesy and respect.
Respect the privacy of all other Members including guests, as well as all employees and contractors.
Not take photographs of any other Member or any other Member’s guests or children without prior consent.
Not bring any animals or pets into the club except where required for the provision of medical assistance or with the prior consent of the Club Manager as per the Club rules.
Not to bring any food or drink into the Club with the exception of provisions for babies under 12 months of age.
Not to take any items from the Club (unless under the borrowing schemes, and following process) this includes books, toys and craft items.
Settle all bills before leaving the Club – there is no credit available and there will be no provisions for accounts.
Not use IT equipment (phones, laptops tablets) whilst in a class or group activity, or when a management team member has asked for the IT equipment to be put away.
Not use the Club address as a business postal address or registered office address.
Not engage in any activity within the Club which is illegal, or which may be or become a nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to the Operator or to other members.
Not smoke anywhere within the grounds of the Club.
Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Acknowledge and accept that from time-to-time the Operator may have to close the Club(s) (or certain areas of the Clubs). The Operator will endeavour to provide Members with as much notice of any such closures as possible and are not obliged to compensate members monetarily for any closures.
Every member of the Club shall be entitled to use and enjoy (in common with the other members of the Club) the Club premises and the facilities therein provided for the use of the Member, but shall not by reason of their Membership be under any financial liability other than for the payment of their Membership Plan, and for the consumption of goods and services.
A Member shall not:
Use the Club for the purposes of any trade or in a manner prejudicial to the Owner’s interest; or
Conduct themselves in a manner likely to cause discomfort, inconvenience or annoyance to other members, or behave in such a manner as to bring the Club into disrepute.
Classes/Camp/ Activities
Additional classes, camps & activities will be organised. Activities or classes that fall outside of the Membership entitlement will be charged for.
Participation in any additional classes, camps or activities must be booked and paid for in advance (a minimum 24 hours unless otherwise stated). Prices will vary depending on content and activity and all prices will be displayed on the website.
Classes, camps or activities may be limited to members only and guest participation may be refused.
It is a requirement to attend booked classes. If circumstances arise that mean a member is unable to attend activities, they must notify the club immediately. In the event of a no-show or if a cancellation is made less than 24 hours before the event, refunds and make-up classes will not be entertained and/or credits will not be applied to a member’s account.
Persistent cancellations of classes, camps or activities may result in a Membership being terminated.
Classes, camps or activities may be conducted off-site. If this is the case members will be notified at the time of booking. All reasonable precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of participants, but members acknowledge that they have assumed the risk for any loss or injury that may occur to Members, their children or guests during these off-site classes, camps or activities.
When registering for classes, camps or activities members must ensure that they are contactable and that all details are up to date as per 5.2 of the terms and conditions.
Entertainers, party executors, and contractors
During the normal management of the club we will hire either on a temporary, or permanent basis people to run, assist with or create camps, classes, activities or parties.
All measures will be put into practice to ensure the suitability of anyone hired, which may include an interview process, reference checks, and any other pre-employment checks in line with general human resources practices whether directly by b_together or through our employment agencies and/or vendors as applicable.
In line with 9.4.5 of the terms and conditions the privacy of any entertainers, party executors, and contractors must be respected, and as such, they must not be contacted outside of the club.
Whilst every effort and reasonable care is made by b_together to give satisfaction to Members by requiring reasonable standards of skill, talent, integrity and reliability from entertainers, party executors, and contractors, b_together is not liable for any loss, expense, damage or delay arising from any failure to provide an entertainer, party executor or contractor for part of any Activity, for any accidents or damage to property, or for any perceived lack of skill of the entertainers, party executors, and contractors. For the avoidance of doubt, b_together does not exclude liability for death or personal injury arising from its own negligence.
Employees of b_together will not be permitted to undertake paid or unpaid employment with a member without prior consent. Consent will not be withheld unreasonably; however, it is b_together’s responsibility to ensure compliance with statutory obligations. Employees are not permitted to engage in any form of employment which are similar to, or competitive with b_together, or activities or employment that could impact their ability to act in the best interest of the company at all times.
Wifi is available in all our locations and is a free service, however, is strictly made available for legal activities that are in line with our IT acceptable use policy.
Whilst b_together has taken reasonable technological measures to provide secure wifi usage at our premises, there are security, privacy and confidentiality risks inherent in wireless communications and technology and users will accept such risks in connection with the use of the wifi services. b_together shall not be liable for any and all loss or damage caused by or in connection with the use of the wifi services by Members and their guests on the Club premises.
Conditions and restrictions
Membership is subject to availability at the time of application and is discretionary as per 4.2 in the terms and conditions.
The Members (spouse, children, grandparent, helper) and any guests are responsible for themselves, their compliance with all policies, terms, and rules, as well as all belongings at all times while at any club, or during any classes, camps or activity, including those conducted off-site.
Members (spouse, children, grandparent, helper) are responsible for the supervision of their children and any children that are their guests at all times whilst at the club, other than while attending pre-booked classes, camps or activities.
b_together is not responsible for any accidents, injuries, theft of property or perceived wrongdoing whilst at the club.
In order to maintain a healthy environment for all members (spouse, children, grandparent, helper) and visitors, members must not attend the club if unwell and must leave immediately if they become unwell whilst on site.
By signing the terms and conditions of Membership, members acknowledge that the Club is a safe and suitable space for families. Members further acknowledge that they have voluntarily assumed the risk of such losses and waive any claims against the Operator for such losses.
Members warrant that it is authorised to give legal consent for their children as the parent or the person in loco parentis of the children.
b_together staff aim to be polite, helpful and sensitive to all Members’ needs and requests, and shall endeavour to deliver the services to their best ability during the Members’ visit to the Club premises. If a member (spouse, children, grandparent, helper) has a complaint of any kind, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
b_together respectfully requests Member(s) not to personally confront or reprimand the Club staff should there be any situation which Member(s) consider inappropriate or unpleasant behaviour by the Club staff, whether due to a misunderstanding or otherwise so that b_together can handle the situation appropriately with the affected staff. It should be noted that b_together will not tolerate any aggressive behaviour to Club staff and may require Members(s) to be removed from the Club premise in case of any unacceptable behaviour by any Member.
Expulsion and Suspension of Membership
If in the opinion of b_together, any Member or any Guest for whom the Member is responsible, has committed a breach of any of these Terms & Conditions and Code of Conduct; or any Member is found to be guilty of any conduct or behaviour or any act which renders him/her unfit for Membership of the club or is detrimental to the interests, character, or reputation of the Club, b_together may at a time which it deems appropriate (i) expel such Member from the Club at such time, the Member will immediately cease to be a Member thereof; and/or (ii) suspend the Member from Membership and/or from all rights and privileges of Membership of the Club (including but not limited to the use of all facilities of the Club) and/or disallow him/her or its nominee from being present at the Club Premises for such period as the b_together sees fit.
Before exercising such expulsion and suspension, b_together will seek to clarify and may give notice in writing or orally to the Member concerned and may invite him to make representations either orally or in writing in respect of the matter of the complaint. b_together may thereafter consider any such representations received and may proceed to consider the matter under Clause 15.1 above.
If a Membership is suspended, neither the Member nor the nominated individual shall be permitted, for the duration of the suspension, to use the facilities of the Club, or exercise any other rights of Membership, but shall continue to be liable for all subscription fee and all other sums due and payable by such Member to the Club.
If a Membership is terminated by the Club for any reason, then all Fees paid will be considered non-refundable, including the Membership fees for the month in which Termination occurs. In addition, Termination of a Membership does not absolve the Member of the responsibility to settle the fees payable up to the Termination date (including the month of termination).
Reciprocal Club Arrangements b_together may enter into reciprocal arrangements with other private members’ clubs on such terms as it shall decide from time to time and any such arrangements may be terminated or modified by b_together at any time. Such arrangements (if any) will be communicated to members.
Members’ Rights and Liabilities All Members and guests shall comply with these Code of Conduct of the Club and all other regulations promulgated and amended from time to time.The rights and privileges of a Member shall be person to himself/herself. Except permitted by these Terms & Conditions and Code of Conduct, each Member shall not, by his/her own act or by operation of law:
Transfer, assign, let, or otherwise dispose of any of his/her rights and privileges in the Club; or
Charge or mortgage the rights and privileges of his/her Membership, or solicit or accept any money or money’s worth or other valuable consideration of any description whereby the rights of his/her Membership may be transferred assigned let or otherwise disposed of or affected.
The rights and privileges of a Member shall be ceased upon his/her ceasing from any cause to be a Member of the Club.
The Club Premises and all facilities fixtures and fittings are assets of b_together. A Member shall not, by reason only of his/her Membership, be under any financial liability to the Club except for payment of his/her Membership Plan subscription, and any other sums due or levied under these Rules. A Member shall not by reason of his/her Membership have any proprietary rights, interest, benefit, title, or claim whatsoever to or against or in respect of b_together, the Club, and/or any other person or their respective monies, properties, assets, and undertakings whatsoever whether during the existence of the Club or upon or after its dissolution.
All Members shall be liable for all the acts, omissions, neglects, and defaults (directly or indirectly) of their good selves and their guests. The Member is responsible for all damage caused by accidental, negligent or wrongful acts by the Member, the Member’s children or the Member’s guests and invitees. The Member agrees to replace, at its own expense, or to reimburse b_together for, all losses, breakage or damage caused by accidental, negligent or wrongful acts by the Member, the Member’s children or the Member’s guests and invitees.
Each Member shall indemnify and keep indemnified b_together against any costs, claims or liabilities incurred by b_together as a result of any breach of these Terms & Conditions by the Member.
Each Member shall indemnify and keep indemnified b_together in respect of all claims by any person whatsoever for injury to person or property caused by or in connection with or arising out of any accidental, negligent or wrongful acts by the Member, the Member’s children or the Member’s guests and invitees.
It is expressly understood that b_together shall not be responsible for any liabilities, claims, damages, costs or expenses (including without limitation product liability claims) arising in connection with the delivery, condition and consumption of any food or beverages (“External F&B”) brought onto the Club’s premises. The Member shall fully and completely indemnify b_together in respect of all claims by any person whatsoever for injury to person or property caused by or in connection with or arising out of the delivery, condition and consumption of any External F&B brought onto the Club’s premises, whether by the Member, the Member’s children or the Member’s guests and invitees, and in respect of all costs and charges in connection therewith whether arising under statute or common law. Such indemnity shall be applicable regardless of (a) whether b_together and the Member have each consented to, or have knowledge of, such External F&B being brought onto the Club’s premises; and (b) whether such External F&B was brought onto the Club’s premises by the Member or a third party.
To the maximum extent allowable by law, b_together shall not, in the performance of its obligations hereunder, be liable to the Member for any act or omission (whether tortious or otherwise) or any of b_together’s employees, agents or representatives, except to the extent such liabilities, obligations, claims, costs and expenses arise out of or are caused by the wilful misconduct, gross negligence or bad faith on the part of b_together. To the maximum extent allowable by law, any liability of b_together hereunder shall be limited to the total of all amounts paid by the Member to b_together in respect of the Membership and the use of the Club (excluding any damages paid by the Member pursuant to paragraphs 16.5, 16.6, 16.7 and 16.8).
Members shall not be entitled to use any of the facilities of the Club or have any rights or privileges of Membership or the right to receive Membership cards until they have complied with all the conditions set out in Clause 7.
A copy of these Terms & Conditions and Code of Conduct can be found on the club website. b_together reserves the right to makes changes to the Terms & Conditions and Code of Conduct from time-to time in accordance to the intention of the Club.
Force Majeure In the event of force majeure, which shall mean an event beyond reasonable control of b_together, including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, any incident of war, civil commotion, governmental or administrative action, governmental acquisition, strike, lockout, lockdown, flood, drought, famine, natural disaster, pandemic, act of terrorism, or act of God, which shall persist for a period of six months (either consecutive months or intermittent periods of disruption over a 12 month period) and results in the whole or any part of the Club premises or facilities being made substantially unusable or un-accessible, b_together may suspend Membership of the Club or cease operations without any liability to the Members. Any termination of Membership under these circumstances shall cause the Memberships to lapse and no such Member or nominated individual shall have any claim against b_together in respect thereof.
Transfers, Assignment and/or Restructuring If the operator of the Club is changed during the period of Membership due to business or corporate restructuring including but not limited to shareholding transfers, mergers, or assignment of operation rights, Memberships shall be automatically transferred to the new operator and/or owner and/or assignee as long as the Membership benefits and facilities offered to Members remain substantially unchanged or altered in material form.
Amendments b_together has the right at any time, without reference to any member:
To amend, cancel, or add to any of the terms of these Terms & Conditions and Code of Conduct.
To formulate any other regulations relating to the affairs relevant to these Code of Conduct and other affairs relevant to the Club.
Interpretation b_together shall be the sole authority as to the interpretation of the Code of Conduct of the Club.
Governing Law These Terms & Conditions and Code of Conduct shall be governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore.